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If you desire to make right plans for the future of your company, you should estimate your potential risks accurately.

Our fast and professional team also applies their knowledge on insurance and risk management in respect of different geographies and different types of business.

We produce the most appropriate insurance program for unavoidable risks of your firm with the broadest scope and on the most favorable conditions. Then, we prepare a cost table with the report indicating quotations and conditions from the insurance companies selected by us in line with your preferences. We state the cover scope, applicable deductibles and other conditions in detail in the annex to this report.

Nildem Global Corporate Customers Department provides services on very comprehensive risk financing and insurance solutions to corporate and multinational firms.

Our department provides consultancy in line with the requirements of our customers with an understanding of high quality and sensitive service.

We produce the most optimal solutions and provide added value in our productive activities with our customers. We provide our customers with the opportunity of using all resources of Nildem Global and insurance market throughout the world.

In addition, we provide our customers with important advantages required by the cross-border brokerage with the global networks of which we are a member such as MAI and GBN.

  • As one of the leading/major furniture accessory brands of Turkey/of the world, if our prod... Continued

    Bulent Sincan - CFO/Samet Kalip Madeni Esya San. ve Tic. A.S.

  • Thank you very much for meeting our expectation in respect of insurance in the best manner... Continued

    Nilgun Dogan - Head of Finance Group /Guzel Sanatlar Reklamcilik A.S.

  • We acknowledge Nilgun Global which helped us not only in meeting the insurance requirement... Continued

    Orkun Darnel - Marketing Manager/Galatasaray İletişim ve Pazarlama Hizmetleri A.Ş